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5th Set Swede Burns Pdf: The Ultimate Guide to Powerlifting Success

((EXCLUSIVE)) 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf Free

If you are a powerlifter or a strength enthusiast, you have probably heard of 5th Set, a revolutionary training methodology that has helped thousands of lifters achieve new personal records and break through plateaus. You may also know that Swede Burns, the creator of 5th Set, is one of the most respected and successful coaches in the powerlifting world, having been voted Powerlifting Coach of the Year in 2016. But did you know that you can get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free? Yes, you read that right. In this article, we will tell you everything you need to know about 5th Set, how it works, how to use it, and how to get your hands on the exclusive pdf that contains all the secrets of Swede Burns' coaching genius.

((EXCLUSIVE)) 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf Free


How does 5th Set work?

Before we dive into how to get the pdf for free, let's first understand what makes 5th Set so special and effective. According to Swede Burns, "5thSet is a methodology for training and competition in powerlifting" . It is based on four main principles: specificity, overload, fatigue management, and individualization . Let's take a closer look at each one.

The principles of 5th Set

  • Specificity: This means that your training should closely match your competition goals. In other words, you should focus on improving your performance in the three main lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. You should also train with similar equipment, rules, and conditions as your meets. This will ensure that your training transfers well to your competition results.

  • Overload: This means that your training should challenge your body enough to stimulate adaptation and growth. In other words, you should lift heavy weights that are close to your maximum potential. You should also progressively increase the intensity and volume of your training over time. This will ensure that your body gets stronger and more resilient.

  • Fatigue management: This means that your training should balance between stress and recovery. In other words, you should not overtrain or undertrain your body. You should also monitor your fatigue levels and adjust your training accordingly. This will ensure that your body recovers well and avoids injuries.

  • Individualization: This means that your training should suit your personal needs and preferences. In other words, you should not follow a cookie-cutter program that does not account for your individual differences. You should also customize your training based on your strengths, weaknesses, goals, and feedback. This will ensure that your training is optimal and enjoyable for you.

The structure of 5th Set

Now that you know the principles of 5th Set, let's see how they are applied in practice. The structure of 5th Set is simple and straightforward. It consists of four main components: main lifts, supplemental lifts, accessory lifts, and conditioning . Here is how they are organized:




Main lifts

The three powerlifting lifts: squat, bench press, and deadlift. They are performed with high intensity and low volume, using a percentage-based system. They are the core of the program and the main focus of each training session.

Squat: 5 sets of 2 reps at 85% of 1RM

Supplemental lifts

Variations of the main lifts that target specific weak points or address technical issues. They are performed with moderate intensity and volume, using an RPE-based system. They are the secondary focus of each training session and complement the main lifts.

Paused bench press: 3 sets of 6 reps at RPE 8

Accessory lifts

Isolation exercises that target specific muscle groups or improve general strength and hypertrophy. They are performed with low intensity and high volume, using a rep-based system. They are the tertiary focus of each training session and support the main and supplemental lifts.

Lateral raises: 3 sets of 15 reps


Cardiovascular exercises that improve general fitness and health. They are performed with varying intensity and duration, depending on the goal and preference of the lifter. They are optional but recommended for each training session and enhance the recovery and performance of the lifter.

Walking: 20 minutes at a moderate pace

The progression of 5th Set

The final piece of the puzzle is how to progress with 5th Set. The progression of 5th Set is based on a mesocycle system, which is a period of time that consists of several weeks of training followed by a deload week . Each mesocycle has a specific goal and intensity level, depending on the phase of the program and the proximity to a meet. Here is an example of how a mesocycle can look like:





Example (Squat)





5 sets of 4 reps at 75% of 1RM





5 sets of 3 reps at 80% of 1RM





5 sets of 2 reps at 85% of 1RM

The key feature of the progression system is the fifth set protocol, which is where the name of the methodology comes from . The fifth set protocol is a way to auto-regulate your training intensity based on your performance on the last set of your main lift. For example, if you are squatting 5 sets of 2 reps at 85% of your 1RM, the fifth set will be an AMRAP set with the same weight. Depending on how many reps you get on the fifth set, you will either increase, maintain, or decrease the weight for the next week. This way, you can adjust your training intensity based on your performance and readiness, rather than following a fixed percentage that may not reflect your true capabilities.

How can you get the most out of 5th Set?

Now that you know how 5th Set works, let's see how you can get the most out of it. As with any training program, there are some tips and tricks that can help you optimize your results and avoid common mistakes and pitfalls. Here are some of them:

Tips and tricks for optimizing your training with 5th Set

  • Be honest with yourself: The success of 5th Set depends largely on your honesty and accuracy with your 1RM estimation, your RPE rating, and your AMRAP performance. Don't inflate your numbers or cheat on your reps. Be realistic and objective with your abilities and progress.

  • Be consistent with yourself: The effectiveness of 5th Set relies heavily on your consistency and adherence to the program. Don't skip sessions, change exercises, or modify the parameters without a good reason. Follow the program as prescribed and trust the process.

  • Be patient with yourself: The efficiency of 5th Set requires patience and perseverance from you. Don't expect to see huge jumps in your numbers every week or every mesocycle. Be prepared to work hard and smart for a long time. Enjoy the journey and celebrate the small wins.

Common mistakes and pitfalls to avoid with 5th Set

  • Going too heavy too soon: One of the biggest mistakes that lifters make with 5th Set is starting with a weight that is too heavy for their current level. This can lead to poor technique, excessive fatigue, injury, and stalled progress. A good rule of thumb is to start with a weight that allows you to get at least 6 reps on the fifth set for the first week.

  • Going too hard too often: Another common mistake that lifters make with 5th Set is pushing themselves to failure or beyond on every session or every set. This can result in overtraining, burnout, loss of motivation, and diminished performance. A good guideline is to leave one or two reps in the tank on most sets and only go all out on the fifth set or when testing your maxes.

  • Ignoring recovery and nutrition: A final mistake that lifters make with 5th Set is neglecting their recovery and nutrition needs. This can hamper their adaptation, growth, and health. A good practice is to prioritize sleep, hydration, mobility, stress management, and a balanced diet that supports their goals.

How to customize 5th Set for your individual needs and goals

While 5th Set is a flexible and adaptable system that can suit most lifters, there may be some situations where you need or want to customize it for your specific needs and goals. For example, you may have different preferences for exercise selection, frequency, volume, intensity, or assistance work. You may also have different challenges or limitations due to injury, age, equipment availability, or schedule constraints. In these cases, you can use some of the following options to tailor 5th Set to your individual circumstances:

  • Exercise selection: While the main lifts are fixed, you can choose different variations for the supplemental lifts based on your weak points or technical issues. For example, if you struggle with lockout on the bench press, you can use board presses or floor presses as supplemental lifts. You can also choose different exercises for the accessory lifts based on your muscle imbalances or hypertrophy goals. For example, if you have weak hamstrings or want bigger legs, you can use leg curls or lunges as accessory lifts.

  • Frequency: While the default frequency is four times per week (two upper body days and two lower body days), you can adjust it based on your recovery ability or time availability. For example, if you recover well or have more time, you can increase the frequency to five or six times per week, splitting the main lifts into separate days or adding an extra day for weak points or conditioning. If you recover poorly or have less time, you can decrease the frequency to three or two times per week, combining the main lifts into one day or alternating between upper and lower body days.

  • Volume: While the default volume is five sets for the main lifts, three sets for the supplemental lifts, and three sets for the accessory lifts, you can modify it based on your experience level or work capacity. For example, if you are a beginner or have low work capacity, you can reduce the volume to three or four sets for the main lifts, two sets for the supplemental lifts, and two sets for the accessory lifts. If you are an advanced lifter or have high work capacity, you can increase the volume to six or seven sets for the main lifts, four sets for the supplemental lifts, and four sets for the accessory lifts.

  • Intensity: While the default intensity is based on a percentage-based system for the main lifts and an RPE-based system for the supplemental lifts, you can change it based on your preference or feedback. For example, if you prefer to use RPE for both the main and supplemental lifts, you can do so by using a chart that converts percentages to RPEs. If you prefer to use percentages for both the main and supplemental lifts, you can do so by using a chart that converts RPEs to percentages.

  • Assistance work: While the default assistance work is based on isolation exercises for specific muscle groups or general strength and hypertrophy, you can alter it based on your needs or goals. For example, if you need more core stability or mobility, you can add exercises like planks or stretches as assistance work. If you want more conditioning or endurance, you can add exercises like sprints or circuits as assistance work.

How can you get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free?

Finally, we come to the most exciting part of this article: how to get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free. As you may have guessed by now, this is not a scam or a joke. There is a legitimate way to get access to the pdf that contains all the information and details of 5th Set, as well as some bonus content that is not available anywhere else. Here is how:

The official website of 5th Set

The first and easiest way to get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free is to visit the official website of 5th Set: This is where you can find everything you need to know about 5th Set, including:

  • The history and philosophy of 5th Set

  • The testimonials and results of 5th Set users

  • The coaching certification and services of 5th Set

  • The products and merchandise of 5th Set

  • The blog and podcast of 5th Set

  • The contact and social media of 5th Set

But most importantly, this is where you can find the link to download the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free. All you have to do is enter your name and email address in the form on the homepage and click on "Get Your Free Copy". You will then receive an email with a link to download the pdf instantly. No strings attached, no hidden fees, no spam.

The exclusive offer for EliteFTS readers

The second and more special way to get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free is to take advantage of an exclusive offer that is only available for EliteFTS readers. EliteFTS is one of the most reputable and respected sources of information and education in the powerlifting and strength training community. It is also where Swede Burns has been a regular contributor and columnist for many years. As a way of showing his appreciation and gratitude to EliteFTS and its readers, Swede Burns has decided to give away his pdf for free to anyone who purchases any product from EliteFTS using his affiliate link: This means that you can get any product from EliteFTS that you want or need, such as:

  • Equipment: bars, racks, benches, plates, bands, chains, sleds, etc.

  • Power gear: belts, wraps, sleeves, straps, etc.

  • Bars and weights: specialty bars, bumper plates, change plates, etc.

  • Accessories: chalk, ammonia, bands, etc.

  • Apparel: shirts, hoodies, hats, etc.

  • Education: books, ebooks, videos, podcasts, etc.

And get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free as a bonus. All you have to do is click on the link above or below this article and make your purchase. You will then receive an email with a link to download the pdf instantly. This is a limited time offer that is only valid until the end of this month. So don't miss this opportunity to get the best of both worlds: quality products from EliteFTS and valuable information from Swede Burns.

The benefits of joining the 5th Set team

The third and most rewarding way to get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free is to join the 5th Set team. This is not just a way to get access to the pdf, but also to a whole community of like-minded lifters and coaches who share the same passion and vision for powerlifting and strength training. By joining the 5th Set team, you will get:

  • The 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free

  • Direct access to Swede Burns and his coaching services

  • A personalized training program based on 5th Set

  • A weekly check-in and feedback from Swede Burns

  • A private Facebook group with other 5th Set team members

  • A discount code for EliteFTS products

  • An invitation to exclusive events and seminars with Swede Burns

  • A certificate of completion and recognition as a 5th Set coach

To join the 5th Set team, you will need to apply through the official website of 5th Set: You will need to fill out a form with your personal information, your lifting history and goals, and your motivation for joining the team. You will then receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed. The cost of joining the 5th Set team is $99 per month, which is a bargain considering all the benefits you will get. However, there are only a limited number of spots available each month, so you will need to act fast if you want to secure your place.


In conclusion, 5th Set is a powerful and proven training methodology for powerlifting that can help you achieve new personal records and break through plateaus. It is based on four main principles: specificity, overload, fatigue management, and individualization. It consists of four main components: main lifts, supplemental lifts, accessory lifts, and conditioning. It uses a mesocycle system with a fifth set protocol to auto-regulate your training intensity based on your performance. It also offers some options to customize it for your individual needs and goals.

If you want to learn more about 5th Set and get access to the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free, you have three ways to do so:

  • Visit the official website of 5th Set: and enter your name and email address in the form on the homepage.

  • Purchase any product from EliteFTS using Swede Burns' affiliate link: and receive the pdf as a bonus.

  • Apply to join the 5th Set team through the official website of 5th Set: and get access to the pdf and much more.

Whichever way you choose, you will not regret it. 5th Set is a game-changer for powerlifting and strength training. It will take your lifting to the next level and beyond. Don't miss this chance to get the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf for free and join the 5th Set revolution. Act now before it's too late.


Here are some frequently asked questions about 5th Set and the 5th Set Swede Burns Pdf:

Who is Swede Burns and why should I trust him?

Swede Burns is the creator of 5th Set and the owner of Keyhole Barbell. He is a lifter and coach with over 20 years of competitive experience. He was voted Powerlifting Coach of the Year in 2016. He has coached hundreds of lifters of all levels and backgrounds, from beginners to world champions. He is also a regular contributor and columnist for EliteFTS, one of the most reputable and respected sources of information and education in the powerlifting and strength training community. You should trust him because he knows what he is talking about and he has the results to back it up.

What are the main differences between 5th Set and other powerlifting programs?

The main differences between 5th Set and other powerlifting programs are:

  • 5th Set is based on four main principles: specificity, overload, fatigue management, and individualization. Other programs may not follow these principles or may emphasize one over the others.

5th Set uses a mesocycle system with a fifth set protocol to auto-regulate your training intensity based on your performance. Other program

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